Michael Contreras

Michael likes to say, “I can do practically anything!“
… and so far, we haven’t been able to prove him wrong.
Michael joined the Corbin team just over six years ago and took on the heavy lifting on the manufacturing side of the Motoflux design creation. With 50 years’ experience in machining and CNC, his arrival seemed almost a matter of providence.
Since 1996 he had been a fundamental component at Earl Tech in San Jose, California. With a skill set that includes CNC programming, machining, managing production and development of prototypes, he was a vital piece of the organization. It was also a place where the diversity of daily needs enabled him to fully enjoy his time. After all, for Michael it wasn’t just a job… Machining and the creation of something from nothing is a passion.
Unfortunately, the late 2000s were hard on the manufacturing sector in the Silicon Valley and as Earl Tech sought a buyer, Michael decided it was time to move on. With such a wide skillset, his search for a new position yielded plenty of results, but there was one in particular that piqued his interest more than the others. Why? Because it involved his second passion… Motorcycles!
As a well-known name in the motorcycle industry, a position at Corbin seemed like it might be a good fit. In short, it was.
Michael easily took over the CNC shop and brought with him the ability to leverage some of the equipment that had recently been under-utilized. It wasn’t long before Mike Corbin took note, and he decided to bring Michael into the Motoflux team where his love of a challenge has proved invaluable.